Author Guidelines
Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET) is a scientific journal published by the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic. Is a scientific publication in the field of aviation in general. Articles published are in the form of research articles (original research results), literature reviews, and other scientific reviews, which have never been published in other media.
- Editors receive manuscripts from research and expert thoughts in the field of aviation.
- The manuscript is typed in Microsoft Word.
- Written according to the Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET) template.
The systematics of article writing includes Title, Author Name, Author Agency, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Research Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusions, and Bibliography written in English. The main text format consists of a flat left-right columns on A4 paper (quarto). The margin text from the left and top are 2.5 cm, right and bottom are 2 cm, single space, Times New Roman 12 pt, body space 1.0 text, 0 space for the next title and maximum 12 pages for original research article, or 1500-2500 words.
Written in short and clear English, a maximum of 16 words, with the font type Times New Roman 15, Capital Letters, Bold, 1.15 spaces, Centered.
Author's name and author's institution
The name is written without an academic degree and the institution is written below the name.
Written in English, The Abstract should be 1 paragraph, containing background, research objectives, methodology, results, conclusion of the study and your research contributions to science.
keywords are written below the abstract, maximum of 5 phrases, TImes New Roman 11.
Contains background and problem formulation, literature review, goals and benefits, and contribution of results.
Research methods
Contains the time and place of research, types, and techniques of data collection, hypotheses (if any), data analysis, and interpretation techniques.
Contains research data and/or research design results (if the research is in the form of a design), table titles, and pictures/graphics/illustrations numbered and preceded by an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters. If there is a photo (black and white), it must be printed on shiny white paper and accompanied by a description.
Discussion of research results related to theory based on literature review.
Conclusions and recommendations
Drawing conclusions based on the results obtained, regarding the research title. Related suggestions can be put forward.
Arranged alphabetically by the last name of the main author. The title of the essay is written in capital letters at the beginning of each word which is not a conjunction, while for journals it is only at the beginning of the word. Bibliography and Citations use Mendeley Reference manager with citation style American Psychological Association 6th edition (APA 6th), Times New Roman 12 pt with single spacing.