Peer Review Process
The Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET) applies the review process policy as follows:
- Manuscripts submitted by authors will go through a review process by editors, especially checking the suitability of the manuscript with the scope of the journal and conformity with the Journal template. Confirmation of loading or rejection of the manuscript will be notified in writing.
- All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by the 2 best partners (reviewers) appointed by the editor in their field of expertise.
- As a tool that maintains plagiarism levels under journal requirements, the Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET) uses Turnitin software.
- The review process will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.
- The reviewer will suggest improvements and or accept/reject the article.
- The editor will decide by considering suggestions from reviewers whether the manuscript meets the requirements of the Journal of Airport Engineering Technology (JAET).
- The editorial team's decision is final.